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Yaoundé CAMASEJ Chapter Urges Resilience On World Press Freedom Day 2024

By Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

Journalists in Yaoundé, under the umbrella of the Cameroon Association of English-speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ) Yaounde Chapter, have been called upon to cultivate resilience in the face of mounting challenges that threaten their ability to fulfill their vital role in society.

Ndi Eugene Ndi, President of CAMASEJ Yaounde Chapter speaking during the WPFD (Photo Credit: Mainimo Etienne)

This was the central message echoed in Yaounde during celebrations marking the 2024 World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), held under the theme “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis.”

Speaking on May 3rd, Ndi Eugene Ndi, President of CAMASEJ Yaounde Chapter, highlighted how Cameroon is not immune to the devastating impacts of climate change, with increased instances of floods, declining agricultural yields, and heightened food and water insecurity plaguing the nation.

Panelists during the WPFD celebrated in Yaounde (Photo Credit: Mainimo Etienne)

Ndi specifically addressed the growing concern of waste management in major cities like Douala and Yaoundé, where overflowing garbage poses a significant threat to both the environment and public health.

“As watchdogs, storytellers, and advocates for change,” Ndi emphasized, “journalists must be at the forefront of the quest for solutions to these environmental challenges.”

He further stressed that press freedom itself faces numerous threats, including censorship, harassment, attacks on media independence, and restrictive laws like the 2014 terrorism legislation. Ndi pointed among other things that journalists in Cameroon often operate in an environment where access to official information is just as challenging as the environmental issues the planet faces.

Members participating during the WPFD (Photo Credit: Mainimo Etienne)

In a keynote address, Eugene Nforngwa drew the attention of media professionals to the urgency of the environmental crisis, urging them to take the lead in reporting on these critical issues.

A panel discussion featuring Elias Ngalame, Leocadia Bongben, and Solomon Tembang showcased their investigative work on environmental issues, along with the challenges they faced. The panelists encouraged journalists to exercise increased prudence when undertaking investigative reporting.

The symbolic planting of an environmentally friendly tree at The Guardian Post Head Office marked the culmination of the day, serving as a modest contribution to safeguarding the planet’s future. Prior to the day, the Chapter participated in a clean-up exercise to demonstrate the importance of keeping the environment clean.

Ndi Eugene Ndi on behalf of CAMASEJ Yaounde Chapter planting a symbolic tree (Photo Credit: Mainimo Etienne)

The 2024 WPFD served as a stark reminder of the critical role journalism and freedom of expression play in addressing the current global environmental crisis. Celebrated annually on May 3rd, WPFD provides an opportunity to reaffirm commitment to the fundamental principle of press freedom.

Meanwhile, according to the 2024 World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on May 3rd, press freedom worldwide is under increasing threat from the very entities that should be its guardians: political authorities.

CAMASEJ Yaounde Chapter members and visitors pose for family picture (Photo Credit: Mainimo Etienne)

Cameroon’s ranking of 130th reflects this concerning trend. RSF’s analysis indicates that the political indicator, one of five factors used to compile the ranking, has experienced the sharpest decline, with a global average drop of 7.6 points.

“As more than half the world’s population heads to the polls in 2024, RSF warns of a worrying trend revealed by the 2024 World Press Freedom Index: a decline in the political indicator,” stated Anne Bocandé, RSF editorial director.

She added, “States and other political forces are increasingly failing to protect press freedom. This disenfranchisement often coincides with more hostile actions that undermine the role of journalists, or even instrumentalize the media through campaigns of harassment or disinformation. True journalism stands in stark contrast to such practices.”

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