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Moonlight Bakery Workers Urged To Abstain From Drugs

By Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

The Manager of Moonlight International Bakery, situated at Montee Chapel Obili, Lambert Kehven, has called on all workers to abstain from the use of drugs, stressing the severe risks they pose to health and well-being.

Lambert Kehven at work

This appeal was made on January 2, as Kehven encouraged and urged them to approach the year 2024 with optimism, determination, and a strong work ethic.

Kehven reiterated the significance of unity, urging the employees to stand together, support one another, and foster an environment of love and respect within the workplace.

“In order for all of us to succeed, we must work as a cohesive unit and be each other’s keepers. By promoting a culture of mutual respect and support, we can create a harmonious working environment that benefits everyone,” Kehven said.

Highlighting the critical importance of steering clear of harmful substances, such as marijuana and sachet drinks Kehven said, “These drugs can cause serious damage to your health, impair your cognitive abilities, and hinder your future prospects. It is of utmost importance that we protect ourselves from unnecessary diseases and safeguard our well-being.”

Furthermore, Kehven emphasized the power of hard work as the only viable path to success. He encouraged the workers to double their efforts and persevere without succumbing to fatigue or discouragement.

By harnessing their collective dedication and firmness, Kehven said, they can overcome challenges and achieve personal and professional growth. He also urged the employees to actively contribute ideas and suggestions that can further propel the business forward. Constructive feedback and open communication, he emphasized, are the catalysts for progress and improvement.

Reflecting on the previous year, Kehven acknowledged the trials and misfortunes the bakery and its workers faced. However, he expressed gratitude for the exceptional collaboration and teamwork demonstrated by the employees, which played a significant role in overcoming adversity.

“Despite the challenges we encountered in 2023, we were able to navigate through them successfully due to the exceptional dedication and collaboration of our workers. I am immensely proud of the teamwork displayed by each and every one of you,” Kehven commended.

In light of his own experience as an Internally Displaced Person (IDP), Kehven extended a heartfelt invitation to fellow IDP workers to remain focused and resilient. He acknowledged the unique struggles they face while trying to earn a living and rebuild their lives.

Lambert Kehven preparing fire in the oven

He pointed the importance of maintaining a respectful attitude and giving their best in all their endeavors. Additionally, he urged them not to underestimate the power of prayer, as it can provide solace and strength during challenging times.

“As many of us, including myself, are IDPs, we are well aware of the hardships and trauma we have endured. The memories of our past experiences are still fresh in our minds, often causing stress and anxiety. Moreover, the high cost of living and the unpredictable climate further compound our challenges. However, let us remain focused on our goals and continue striving for a better future,” Kehven encouraged.

Looking forward with great hope, Kehven appealed to the goodwill of individuals and the government for support. He called for the subsidization of their business and the provision of microloans with minimal interest rates.

Such assistance he stated would enable them to expand their operations and create employment opportunities for other IDPs, fostering a sense of empowerment and contributing to the overall growth and development of the community.

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