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MASO Is Creating Entrepreneurs Through Solidarity Economy – Abel Bela Samari

The Deputy Director of Communications at Group Renaprov Finance SA, Abel Bela Samari says, the Mutual Assistance and Solidarity, better known as MASO has been created to produce entrepreneurs through solidarity economy. Abel Bela Samari made the statement recently in an exclusive interview granted The Post. Besides highlighting MASO’s core objective of nurturing entrepreneurs and liberating individuals, especially Cameroonians and Africans, from the grips of poverty he underscored the transformative potential of MASO as a catalyst for economic empowerment. Follow him in the following except.

Abel Bela Samari – Deputy Director of Communications at Group Renaprov Finance SA


News-Lens: Thank you so much for accepting to talk to The Post. Let us begin right away, briefly, what is MASO all about?

Abel Bela Samari: MASO is the Mutual Assistance and Solidarity. It is a product of the microfinance institution RENAPROV Finance SA which is out to accompany the government of Cameroon remove its citizens from the shackle of poverty. When we talk MASO, we talk about Africa solidarity and Africa solidarity model of economy that is solidarity economy. Where man is put at the center of all priorities. When civilization started in Africa the first model of economy that was adopted is “trade by better” where man was put at the center of interest. It still happened in Africa today. Sometime we accompany new births, marriage and even death with lot of support. In most cases without obliging individuals to do so. That is the spirit of solidarity we are talking about. Sacrificing your FCFA 100 to empower a brother, sister or friend to come out of the shackle of poverty.

What prompted RENAPROV Finance SA to develop this initiative?

Since the creation of RENAPROV Finance SA in 1996 as a major actor in the Microfinance sector in Cameroon, this microfinance has put man at the center of its priority. The idea of MASO has been existing but was reserved to workers of Group RENAPROV Finance SA. It was until 2020, following the death of a taxi driver in the capital city Yaounde after been sick for a while. He was a regular caller over Royal FM, one of the enterprise in the group RENAPROV Finance SA. When his death was answered, contributions were made at the different filling stations in Yaounde. The amount contributed could not even buy him a coffin. It is from this back drop that the chief executive officer of group RENAPROV Finance decided to hold a meeting with transporters syndicate to sell his vision of how to remove man from poverty through solidarity economy. At first it was reversed for transporters but few weeks letter, other sectors of social life were brought in to form the Mutual Assistance and Solidarity, MASO.

Over the past four years, how has MASO been working towards helping Cameroonians become entrepreneurs?

Thank you very much for this question, we are into act 4 of MASO with registration and contribution on going in all the 27 agencies of RENAPROV Finance SA across the country. The past three years that Act 1, 2 and 3 MASO have finance projects to over hundreds of millions. We have a young mutualist who in Act 2 won FCFA 15 million, today he run a well-equipped sport gymnasium with close to 20 workers in it. Another in Act 3 won FCFA 50 million. Today he is into agro industrial farming. We have automobile owners who are not doing badly in the transport sector. In Yaounde, you will find lot of taxis with MASO and RENAPROV Finance branding on them, these are young entrepreneurs MASO is creating. We have young entrepreneurs who have ventured into income generating activities thanks to MASO. In short MASO is creating entrepreneurs through solidarity economy.

Can we settle that the objective has been realized by contributing FCFA 100 a day?

I will say yes and no. Yes, the objective is being realized because today we have Cameroonians who have cross the trust hood of poverty through financing of their education, businesses, projects, providing houses in gated areas, providing income generating materials, providing boreholes to Communities, and many others. You know, we have MASO Classique and Maso Gold. One is refundable without interest; the latter is non-refundable.

I will equally say no, because we still have Cameroon still levering in poverty. MASO can only reach its objective when Cameroonians have adequate health care, good drinking water, be able to finance their projects, be able to generate wealth for prosperity.

What has been the reaction of Cameroonians so far? Has it been an easy journey?

It has been positive for those who understand the meaning of African solidarity. Those who understand that solidarity economy is the way out of poverty. For those who still not understand that Africa is the Garden of Eden and through our God given values of solidarity we can change the position of Cameroon in the economy world map will tell you MASO is a scam, like we always say, the action of MASO, speak for its self. But in a nutshell, it has not been an easy journey so far but trust me, we shall succeed because it is God’s project.

What achievements can Cameroonians boast of as members of MASO?

Thank you very much for this question. MASO, has provided boreholes to some quarters in Yaounde. Inhabitant of these areas (Febe village, Neimeyong, Ahala, Ekaonou and many others) had serious water crises but today they can drink portable water. MASO, operate a second category hospital where mutualist can treat up to ten members of their family with a 35 percent discount to all bill pay.  There is 20 percent discount which is being given to mutualists who are parents or student studying at the Bissai University Institute. FCFA five million is given to mutualists who have contributed for 20 years successful and attain the age of 60 years. There is assistance to mutualist in happy and sad moment.

What are the future plans for MASO in relation to the Cameroonian people?

The future is bright with MASO that is what I will tell you. MASO principal mission is to remove humanity, Africans, and Cameroonians in particular from the shackle of poverty. We have tried all model of economy in Cameroon, it has failed us. Imperialism is still at the center of our mystery. It is time, we tray a new approach solidarity economy thereby using our values to fight against Poverty. If all Cameroonians become member of MASO, we shall have enough capital to help sponsor projects that will create jobs.

What message does MASO have for the Cameroonian people?

MASO is a reality, with MASO we simple live our Africa values. MASO is out to valorize our Africa solidarity so that together we live a fulfilling life full of happiness. Rush to any RENAPROV Finance SA agency, register into MASO and benefits from all the advantages.

Interviewed by Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

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