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I Am Also Committed To Continuously Improving My Basketball Skills – Eileen Leila

Eileen Leila Mbiydzenyuy, a dynamic basketball player says, she is committed in continuously improving her basketball skills. She made the statement recently in an interview granted The Post. In an exclusive interview, she reflected on her participation in the continental basketball championship held in Egypt last year. Eileen took pride in shouldering the responsibility of providing defensive support to her teammates and fostering effective communication on the court. Follow her in the excepts below


The Post: Who is Eileen Leila Mbiydzenyuy?

Eileen Leila: My name is Eileen Leila Mbiydzenyuy, and I am 24 years old. I have the privilege of playing for the Bamenda outfit, Overdose Up Station female elite team, where I also hold the position of team captain in the 2023 season. In addition to my basketball career, I am a proud degree holder in English modern letters.

Eileen Leila Mbiydzenyuy in action

What inspired or motivated you to pursue a career in basketball?

I grew up in the vibrant town of Kumbo, where sports, particularly basketball, played a significant role in the lives of the local children. I was always intrigued by the talent and dedication displayed by the athletes, especially my elder sisters, who were part of the esteemed basketball club known as Bees Basket Ball Club in Shisong. Witnessing their passion and skill ignited a deep admiration within me for the sport. I made up my mind to learn and play basketball, and that’s when I started attending practice sessions at the very same club. Our team was fortunate to have exceptional coaches and even received support from visiting foreign coaches who would generously provide us with basketball equipment. This nurturing environment made basketball feel like a second family to me. As the years went by, I actively participated in various competitions, such as the FENASCO A and B Games, University Games, and local club tournaments. I even had the opportunity to represent my town and compete in the U-14 and U-18 games in Yaounde. These experiences further fueled my passion for the game, despite facing occasional setbacks and losses. I learned to focus on the victories and use them as stepping stones towards achieving my goals, ultimately leading me to be a part of the incredible team I am a member of today.

You recently participated in the continental basketball championship in Egypt. Could you share some of the highlights or memorable moments you experienced during the championship in Egypt?

Our remarkable performance as champions of Cameroon granted us the privilege to represent our country in the African Women’s Basketball League, which took place in Egypt. Participating in this prestigious competition was an unforgettable experience, as I had the opportunity to play alongside players whom I had previously only admired from afar, watching their skills showcased on television. The highlight of the tournament was undoubtedly our first victory against the formidable ASPAC team from Benin. It was a moment of validation, confirming that the countless hours of hard work and training we had put in back home in Cameroon had paid off. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming, and it further motivated me to continue pushing myself to new limits in the sport.

Reflecting on your performance in the championship, how do you evaluate your personal contribution and the overall performance of your team?

The competition in the African Women’s Basketball League was intense, and the coach had the difficult task of making decisions that he believed would benefit the team as a whole. While I may not have been granted as much playing time on the grand stage, I made the most of every opportunity I was given. As the team captain, I took on the responsibility of providing defensive support to my teammates and ensuring effective communication on the court. During challenging moments and defeats, I strived to uplift the team’s morale and remind them of the effort we had put in, encouraging them to stay focused and determined.

Eileen Leila Mbiydzenyuy in action

What personal goals or aspirations did you have for yourself while participating in the championship?

Throughout the duration of the competition, my aspirations went beyond personal achievements. I aimed to showcase my skills and abilities on a larger basketball stage, contributing to my team’s overall success. Additionally, I harbored hopes of attracting the attention of scouts and potentially earning a scholarship opportunity. The prospect of interacting with athletes from different backgrounds excited me, as it presented a chance to expand my knowledge and understanding of the game. Moreover, I looked forward to learning from more experienced players, observing their techniques, and incorporating them into my own style of play.

What future goals or challenges do you have in mind for your basketball career?

Looking ahead, my goals extend beyond the competition itself. While maintaining our team’s status as champions is undoubtedly a priority, I am also committed to continuously improving my basketball skills. I aspire to compete on even bigger stages, both nationally and internationally, and I hold the ambition of securing scholarships that will further support my growth as an athlete and scholar. Let me tell you something, I have succeeded three times in both the practical and theoretical parts of the entrance examination into the National School of Youths and Sports (INJS), but I have never been able to pass the oral section. However, I have not lost hope. My hope and aspirations rest in the hands of God, and I am confident that I will ultimately succeed.

What advice or words of encouragement would you give to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career or getting involved in basketball?

To aspiring basketball players, my advice is to embrace the journey wholeheartedly. Put in the necessary work, both on and off the court, to enhance your skills and knowledge of the game. It is important to persist and never give up, even in the face of defeat or setbacks. Stay focused on your goals, set targets for yourself, and work tirelessly to achieve them. Remember to maintain faith in your abilities and have unwavering trust in God’s plan, for when the time comes for you to ascend the ladder of success, nothing can stand in your way.

Interviewed by Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

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