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Cameroonians Pay Last Respects to Prof. Joseph Owona

By Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

Cameroonians from diverse backgrounds have paid their last respects to Prof. Joseph Owona, who passed away on January 6 in Bordeaux, France, at the age of 78.

Prof. Joseph Owona

On January 15, Cameroonians paid their last respect to fallen State-man in Yaounde as he embarked on his final journey to the world beyond. At the Yaoundé General Hospital, a ceremony took place where Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo, Minister of State and Minister of Higher Education, represented the President of the Republic.

The ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister, government officials, members of the Constitutional Council, academics, as well as family members and friends. They all came together to honor a man whom they described as a devoted public servant.

In this difficult time, Clément Atangana, President of the Cameroon Constitutional Council, called on the deceased’s family to remain united and strong. He described Prof. Joseph Owona as a man who always stood for what was right, stating, “You have contributed to the writing of some of the most beautiful pages in the history of our country’s constitution.”

According to Prof. Adolphe Minkoa She, Rector of the University of Yaoundé II, “Pr Joseph Owona was an exceptional jurist, an infinite mind, and a dedicated academic.” Pr Alain Francklin Ondoua, Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at the University of Yaounde II, added that Prof. Joseph Owona was a highly respected and unparalleled talent, a master of public law in Cameroon and Africa.

Prof. Charles Étienne Lekene Donfack, a friend and colleague of Prof. Joseph Owona, said, “He was a man of simplicity, yet with a strong character.” Prof. Maurice Aurélien Sosso, President of the Conference of University Institutions, expressed, “The university community has just lost one of its most esteemed scholars. You will live on through all your works. You will shine brightly in celestial bliss.”

He will be laid to rest on February 17th in Akom Bikoe, located in the South Region. The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo, will represent the President of the Republic.

Before his passing, Prof. Joseph Owona served as a member of the Constitutional Council. He was Cameroon’s first Professor of Public Law and Political Science and began his service to the State in his 30s as a deputy minister.

He led the technical committee that drafted the 1996 Cameroon Constitution, which included representatives from both francophone and anglophone backgrounds. Throughout his career, he held positions in at least 10 ministerial departments, served as Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic, and much more.

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